Blog of a Wannabe Vet

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

first post!

wow, this is a bit scary - what to write!

well a bit more about myself... I'm 17 and doing my first year of A Levels (I'm doing Biology, Chemistry, English and Physics) and finding it amazingly hard. I've actually just got home from my physics tutor which I organised after deciding 3 U's (ungradables) were just a few too many. 
I should apologise now for the awful spelling that those who (hopefully!) read this will be subjected too because although I am taking English A Level and read copious numbers of books I just don't seem to be able to spell. So, sorry guys.

I've always wanted to be a vet and love that I'm finally old enough to be doing stuff about it. Like work experience - I love it! Although what's with the 18 age limit on everything? HOW IS ANYONE MEANT TO GET ANY PLACEMENTS! Hopefully though I've got a family friend who is also a zoo keeper to get me a week at my local zoo, fingers crossed for that! 

I'm a bit of a Planner in that I'm slightly obsessed with organisation. My life plan (this does change on quite a regular basis) is to go to vet uni, join the RAVC (Royal Army Vet Corps) and then maybe become a zoo vet. But I don't know how one does this? I've spent literally hours looking for somewhere, anywhere! to tell me in simple words how to become a zoo vet. I've so far deduced that you have to go back to uni and take another course... more research needed I think.

So this is basically me- hopefully someone out there will find this blog useful.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the (early) world of veterinary medicine! :) It's an exciting career. Come check out my blog sometime - I've been a vet for 2 years, and I've been keeping my blog since 1st year of vet school. It's
